Lucas Coney Island is the only place that can fuck up toast. It actually tasted bad.
If Tiger! Tiger! gets fucked over, I'm gonna freak. This lineup sounds so good.
30 September 2008
I can't believe it!
I actually remembered two of my dreams last night. I usually can't even remember any of my dreams, but I remembered two I had last night pretty vividly.
Dream one:
I was in Seattle. It was a family type festival similar to something you would see in downtown Brighton. Anyways, the band that was playing was Invisible Clocks. It is all the members of Gatsbys American Dream. I don't know if it's a band in real life, but there's something like that from what I have read on the Gatsbys Fansite Message-boards. I was ectatic the whole time they were playing. IT was just like Gatsby but they weren't playing Gatsby songs.
I remember talking to Nick and Bobby from the band in my dream. I remember telling one of them that I was just glad to see all six of them playing together again. lolz. Then, the weirdest part happened. Apparently The Swellers were supposed to be playing after them. Billy (Bobby from Gatsbys brother (yes I'm that big of a nerd that I know that and used double parenthesis)) came up to me and knew I was from Michigan so he asked me how good they were. He said he was skeptical because one of their guitarists looked like he should be in Atreyu and was praying backstage. I told him not to worry, they were awesome.
Dream two:
It was at Parker's Anti-Homecoming party. I arrived late. Haha. Fail. When I got there I remember Brandon telling some little kid that I didn't know that basement shows were cool because everyone knew all the words and it didn't matter that there weren't a lot of people there. haha. Then I started watching AC and for some reason they were all using their old equipment. I asked them why and they didn't know either. All of their good equipment was there. They were also doing vocals out of my old bass combo amp. It was funny.
Then I remember getting a call that said it was from my brother, but on the phone was some girl that I didn't know. She asked me for directions how to get there. I gave her really good directions but for some reason she wasn't understanding them so I called her an idiot and hung up. Then I remember calling Carly and asking her when she was getting there. She said not until 2am because that's when her parents went to sleep. Weird. Then I went and sang a song with AC (surprising). Oh yeah, I remember my mom showing up.
I had to post these. I never remember my dreams so I'm hyped.
Dream one:
I was in Seattle. It was a family type festival similar to something you would see in downtown Brighton. Anyways, the band that was playing was Invisible Clocks. It is all the members of Gatsbys American Dream. I don't know if it's a band in real life, but there's something like that from what I have read on the Gatsbys Fansite Message-boards. I was ectatic the whole time they were playing. IT was just like Gatsby but they weren't playing Gatsby songs.
I remember talking to Nick and Bobby from the band in my dream. I remember telling one of them that I was just glad to see all six of them playing together again. lolz. Then, the weirdest part happened. Apparently The Swellers were supposed to be playing after them. Billy (Bobby from Gatsbys brother (yes I'm that big of a nerd that I know that and used double parenthesis)) came up to me and knew I was from Michigan so he asked me how good they were. He said he was skeptical because one of their guitarists looked like he should be in Atreyu and was praying backstage. I told him not to worry, they were awesome.
Dream two:
It was at Parker's Anti-Homecoming party. I arrived late. Haha. Fail. When I got there I remember Brandon telling some little kid that I didn't know that basement shows were cool because everyone knew all the words and it didn't matter that there weren't a lot of people there. haha. Then I started watching AC and for some reason they were all using their old equipment. I asked them why and they didn't know either. All of their good equipment was there. They were also doing vocals out of my old bass combo amp. It was funny.
Then I remember getting a call that said it was from my brother, but on the phone was some girl that I didn't know. She asked me for directions how to get there. I gave her really good directions but for some reason she wasn't understanding them so I called her an idiot and hung up. Then I remember calling Carly and asking her when she was getting there. She said not until 2am because that's when her parents went to sleep. Weird. Then I went and sang a song with AC (surprising). Oh yeah, I remember my mom showing up.
I had to post these. I never remember my dreams so I'm hyped.
29 September 2008
Damn it, Bobby!
Today should be good.
One of my classes got cancelled! Score!
I'm also going to see Weezer tonight. I have never seen them before and I am wayyyyy excited.
On the bummer side, I'm getting sick. :(
One of my classes got cancelled! Score!
I'm also going to see Weezer tonight. I have never seen them before and I am wayyyyy excited.
On the bummer side, I'm getting sick. :(
28 September 2008
The days go by
Like sand through a glass
All the time I am waiting
And I'll still be waiting
Because even though there are other fish in the sea
They all seem to be swimming too deep
I'm not rushed for time like I was in the past
I've learned from my mistakes and I'm not turning back
I have my own agenda
Don't tell me what I should do with my life
It will all turn out in due time.
Like sand through a glass
All the time I am waiting
And I'll still be waiting
Because even though there are other fish in the sea
They all seem to be swimming too deep
I'm not rushed for time like I was in the past
I've learned from my mistakes and I'm not turning back
I have my own agenda
Don't tell me what I should do with my life
It will all turn out in due time.
Today has been good.
I started a new skating lesson job in Ann Arbor. For those of you who don't know, I teach hockey specific skating lessons. I already got called gay by an ex-teacher this weekend when I just said skating lessons. Whatever.
Anyways, I was reminded today why I love this job. Little kids are so fun to work with. (Fuck you if you're getting perverted thoughts) They're so young and optimistic. I love it. The highlight of the day was when I told the kids to work hard and that I didn't want to see any slackers. All of a sudden from the back I hear a high squeaky kid's voice say, "Coach Scott, what's a slacker?" It was so awesome. I love little kids.
Also, today was the party for my grandparents 50th anniversary. I saw my grandpa, with tears in his eyes, tell my little cousin that it's okay for old men to cry. It was one of the most emotional things that I have ever had to stomach. It just goes to show the power of love. I'm starting to realize how much family means to me. The two greatest memories I have in the past year have been today and when we had a surprise birthday party for my other grandpa last fall. I have never seen people as happy as those two events. I'm tearing up just thinking about it.
Anyways, I was reminded today why I love this job. Little kids are so fun to work with. (Fuck you if you're getting perverted thoughts) They're so young and optimistic. I love it. The highlight of the day was when I told the kids to work hard and that I didn't want to see any slackers. All of a sudden from the back I hear a high squeaky kid's voice say, "Coach Scott, what's a slacker?" It was so awesome. I love little kids.
Also, today was the party for my grandparents 50th anniversary. I saw my grandpa, with tears in his eyes, tell my little cousin that it's okay for old men to cry. It was one of the most emotional things that I have ever had to stomach. It just goes to show the power of love. I'm starting to realize how much family means to me. The two greatest memories I have in the past year have been today and when we had a surprise birthday party for my other grandpa last fall. I have never seen people as happy as those two events. I'm tearing up just thinking about it.
27 September 2008
Interesting and a little scary.
According to a 2007 World Health Organization report, 88% of the 4 billion annual cases of diarrheal disease are attributed to unsafe water and inadequate sanitation and hygiene, and 1.8 million people die from diarrheal diseases each year.
That's a lot of diarrhea.
That's a lot of diarrhea.
World Health Organization
Looks Like The Real Thing
I can tell you're lying
It cuts through my belly
Let the dull colors spill right down to my shoes
And the children gather 'round to lap it up
and the children gather round
I am empty
Others are overfilled on what I've given up, so come on
I can tell you're lying
To them it's Technicolor
I can tell you're lying. It cuts through my belly
Lies this deck is stacked with lies
but no one knows the difference
So what's the difference? You see
we all walk on a string
If I bounce you bounce too
It's all connected
The sun carries the hanging moon from its shoulders and says
"If I don't shine, then you don't shine"
And if I fail and you succeed what does it mean
Their eyes are sunken. Come on look at them
these kids have needs
We balance on a string
When it's all over maybe then you'll see you're
blinded by your greed
Are you blinded?
Are you blinded?
I can tell you're lying
It cuts through my belly
Let the dull colors spill right down to my shoes
And the children gather 'round to lap it up
and the children gather round
I am empty
Others are overfilled on what I've given up, so come on
I can tell you're lying
To them it's Technicolor
I can tell you're lying. It cuts through my belly
Lies this deck is stacked with lies
but no one knows the difference
So what's the difference? You see
we all walk on a string
If I bounce you bounce too
It's all connected
The sun carries the hanging moon from its shoulders and says
"If I don't shine, then you don't shine"
And if I fail and you succeed what does it mean
Their eyes are sunken. Come on look at them
these kids have needs
We balance on a string
When it's all over maybe then you'll see you're
blinded by your greed
Are you blinded?
Are you blinded?
I can tell you're lying
Shut up
I have a headache from huffing balloon shit.
Obama OWNED McCain in what I saw of the debate.
Practice today was lol so good.
Shit is weird.
Obama OWNED McCain in what I saw of the debate.
Practice today was lol so good.
Shit is weird.
26 September 2008
You're DEAD!
I'm in geography class right now. We're learning about Russia and my teacher is pretty much exclusively talking about Vodka. What a slut. STFU.
25 September 2008
I'm playing with this dude. His new album is going to floor me, I already know it. The following list of people all make appearances on it:
Casey Crescenzo (The Dear Hunter)
John Baldwin Gourley (Portugal. The Man)
Kris Anaya (An Angle)
Aaron Weiss (mewithoutYou)
Danny Stevens (The Audition)
Chris Conley (Saves The Day)
Max Bemis (Say Anything)
Greta Salpeter (The Hush Sound)
Brendon Urie (Panic At The Disco)
Nic Newsham (Gatsby's American Dream)
Shawn Harris (The Matches)
Lizzie Huffman (Man In The Blue Van)
Nic, Shawn, and Casey alone are three of my favorite singers. This is going to be unreal.
Casey Crescenzo (The Dear Hunter)
John Baldwin Gourley (Portugal. The Man)
Kris Anaya (An Angle)
Aaron Weiss (mewithoutYou)
Danny Stevens (The Audition)
Chris Conley (Saves The Day)
Max Bemis (Say Anything)
Greta Salpeter (The Hush Sound)
Brendon Urie (Panic At The Disco)
Nic Newsham (Gatsby's American Dream)
Shawn Harris (The Matches)
Lizzie Huffman (Man In The Blue Van)
Nic, Shawn, and Casey alone are three of my favorite singers. This is going to be unreal.
New Durden Album?
Featuring Nic From Gatsbys, Shawn from the Matches, Casey from The Dear Hunter, and many more!
Holy shit!
Featuring Nic From Gatsbys, Shawn from the Matches, Casey from The Dear Hunter, and many more!
Holy shit!
24 September 2008
Thinking thoughts.
You know that sound? Fender guitar through a fender amp. Clean channel (obviously). Sprinkle in a little bit of reverb in there and you have beauty all packaged up for your ears to enjoy. You may not understand it put into words, but you know the sound.
I am in love. Not with a person, not with a place, not with anything in general. I am in love with everything and nothing at the same time. The world fulfills my needs and I've never felt so alive. I breathe in the air every day and just anticipate what is going to come next.
I am so happy with everything and everyone in my life. I could die today and know that I truly lived me life.
I am in love. Not with a person, not with a place, not with anything in general. I am in love with everything and nothing at the same time. The world fulfills my needs and I've never felt so alive. I breathe in the air every day and just anticipate what is going to come next.
I am so happy with everything and everyone in my life. I could die today and know that I truly lived me life.
Dear Friends.
Please stop smoking. I'm not saying this because I think I'm better than you, I'm saying it because I care about you. Only we have the power to control our lives. Live posi, die happy. I know it's hard to see the big picture, but think about your future. You're hurting yourself and I don't want to sit back idly and watch.
You probably know this, but these are all found in cigarettes:
Ammonia: Household cleaner
Angelica root extract: Known to cause cancer in animals
Arsenic: Used in rat poisons
Benzene: Used in making dyes, synthetic rubber
Butane: Gas; used in lighter fluid
Carbon monoxide: Poisonous gas
Cadmium: Used in batteries
Cyanide: Deadly poison
DDT: A banned insecticide
Ethyl Furoate: Causes liver damage in animals
Lead: Poisonous in high doses
Formaldehiyde: Used to preserve dead specimens
Methoprene: Insecticide
Megastigmatrienone: Chemical naturally found in grapefruit juice
Maltitol: Sweetener for diabetics
Napthalene: Ingredient in mothballs
Methyl isocyanate: Its accidental release killed 2000 people in Bhopal, India in 1984
Polonium: Cancer-causing radioactive element
I need new shoes.
Not really, but these ones are getting super torn up.
I just took a Geography test and it fucked me up. I need to not internet during that class and not wait until the night before to start studying. I do know the location of most countries in Europe because of my late night studying. Too bad that was only a third of the test.
Copeland's beauty never ceases to amaze me. The two songs of the new album that I have heard get me way excited. Seeing them with Lydia is going to be a night of shear bliss.
I just took a Geography test and it fucked me up. I need to not internet during that class and not wait until the night before to start studying. I do know the location of most countries in Europe because of my late night studying. Too bad that was only a third of the test.
Copeland's beauty never ceases to amaze me. The two songs of the new album that I have heard get me way excited. Seeing them with Lydia is going to be a night of shear bliss.
23 September 2008
Normal conversations.
Scott Nelson (4:22):
you would
Carly Wilutis (4:22):
Scott Nelson (4:23):
Carly Wilutis (4:23)
This made me crack up more than usual.
you would
Carly Wilutis (4:22):
Scott Nelson (4:23):
Carly Wilutis (4:23)
This made me crack up more than usual.
Casey Bates
He wants to work with unsigned bands. I sent him a nice long message.
Oh, you don't know who Casey Bates is? Well he worked on this record for one:

He's also worked with Forgive Durden, This Providence, Portugal. The Man, Daphne Loves Derby, The Number 12 Looks Like You, Chiodos, and more!
Oh, you don't know who Casey Bates is? Well he worked on this record for one:
He's also worked with Forgive Durden, This Providence, Portugal. The Man, Daphne Loves Derby, The Number 12 Looks Like You, Chiodos, and more!
22 September 2008
Oh boy.
Alright, here goes an attempt to try and remember the events of my chaotic weekend.
Woke up. Duh. Sat at the Rice's for a little while. Came home and we had band practice. Things are starting to shape up. I hope that trend continues. The new songs are dope and our new lineup is even doper.
Later in the afternoon Brian, Mike, Ron, Sean and I all headed out to Ann Arbor for the Swellers/WATU show. First we made a stop at Qdoba. I knew the day was going to be great when I went to pay and found out that my burrito was free. YES! Then some stuff went down outside Qdoba that I'm not going to talk about...
We got to the show and found out that two of the bands had cancelled. Oh well, the three that we wanted to see were still playing. Take Notice was first and they were ok. Way better on recordings, but they're a new band and I think they show a lot of potential. Swellers were up next. They were pretty much the same as they always are. They still don't have the stage presence like they used to which is the biggest bummer to me. I think they made up for it with their new song, though. It was very Polar Bear Club-esque. I dug it.
We Are The Union came on last. This is the second time I've seen them upstage The Swellers on a show that they played together. They are getting ridiculously good. So much energy and everything is spot on. Vocally, all 4 of them that sing are stronger than ever. They said that they were taking time off to write. I am excited.
After the show we got Jimmy John's and went back to my apartment. I was super tired so I ended up falling asleep on the floor while we were watching BASEketball. Sweet, we're staying at my place and I end up sleeping on the floor. haha.
Sean, Brian, Ron and I woke up gradually and ended up watching about three hours of the show Cash Cab at my apartment. Some of the people on that show were sooooooooooooooooo stupid.
We went back to my house and practiced for a little bit before Ron and I had to go to the show. Saints and Solidarity were playing at the HPAC and I was excited. I set up the lights and hung out before everyone showed up. Pretty typical day. All my brighton friends started showing up and it was nice to see people that I don't get to see often enough.
The show was sick. Wes killed it. I am so happy for/proud of him. I could just tell how much fun that he was having. He's in an awesome bands with a bunch of awesome dudes. It was weird watching him play though. It was the first time EVER that I have done that. haha.
Solidarity was awesome too. I bought their CD. It's dope fly. I like getting more music like that. I can only listen to Comeback Kid for so long without it getting too repetitive.
Anyways, after the show I went with Saints and Solidarity to BDUBS. They're all really funny dudes. Nothing topped when I told Avery that Max (Saints) was talking crap about him. I was completely joking, but Avery thought I was being serious. So Avery texted me and asked if Max was really talking crap about him. Little did Avery know that when he sent that text Max was looking at my phone and opened that text. I laughed super hard and had to explain what was going on.
We went back to Wes' house after and watched some youtube videos and the bands were wayyyyyyyyyyy into these animal books Wes had in his basement. haha. When all the bands went to sleep Wes, Ryan, and I went up to Wes' room where we hung out and talked for a while. I stayed up way too late, but it was worth it.
Heroes season premier tonight.
Woke up. Duh. Sat at the Rice's for a little while. Came home and we had band practice. Things are starting to shape up. I hope that trend continues. The new songs are dope and our new lineup is even doper.
Later in the afternoon Brian, Mike, Ron, Sean and I all headed out to Ann Arbor for the Swellers/WATU show. First we made a stop at Qdoba. I knew the day was going to be great when I went to pay and found out that my burrito was free. YES! Then some stuff went down outside Qdoba that I'm not going to talk about...
We got to the show and found out that two of the bands had cancelled. Oh well, the three that we wanted to see were still playing. Take Notice was first and they were ok. Way better on recordings, but they're a new band and I think they show a lot of potential. Swellers were up next. They were pretty much the same as they always are. They still don't have the stage presence like they used to which is the biggest bummer to me. I think they made up for it with their new song, though. It was very Polar Bear Club-esque. I dug it.
We Are The Union came on last. This is the second time I've seen them upstage The Swellers on a show that they played together. They are getting ridiculously good. So much energy and everything is spot on. Vocally, all 4 of them that sing are stronger than ever. They said that they were taking time off to write. I am excited.
After the show we got Jimmy John's and went back to my apartment. I was super tired so I ended up falling asleep on the floor while we were watching BASEketball. Sweet, we're staying at my place and I end up sleeping on the floor. haha.
Sean, Brian, Ron and I woke up gradually and ended up watching about three hours of the show Cash Cab at my apartment. Some of the people on that show were sooooooooooooooooo stupid.
We went back to my house and practiced for a little bit before Ron and I had to go to the show. Saints and Solidarity were playing at the HPAC and I was excited. I set up the lights and hung out before everyone showed up. Pretty typical day. All my brighton friends started showing up and it was nice to see people that I don't get to see often enough.
The show was sick. Wes killed it. I am so happy for/proud of him. I could just tell how much fun that he was having. He's in an awesome bands with a bunch of awesome dudes. It was weird watching him play though. It was the first time EVER that I have done that. haha.
Solidarity was awesome too. I bought their CD. It's dope fly. I like getting more music like that. I can only listen to Comeback Kid for so long without it getting too repetitive.
Anyways, after the show I went with Saints and Solidarity to BDUBS. They're all really funny dudes. Nothing topped when I told Avery that Max (Saints) was talking crap about him. I was completely joking, but Avery thought I was being serious. So Avery texted me and asked if Max was really talking crap about him. Little did Avery know that when he sent that text Max was looking at my phone and opened that text. I laughed super hard and had to explain what was going on.
We went back to Wes' house after and watched some youtube videos and the bands were wayyyyyyyyyyy into these animal books Wes had in his basement. haha. When all the bands went to sleep Wes, Ryan, and I went up to Wes' room where we hung out and talked for a while. I stayed up way too late, but it was worth it.
Heroes season premier tonight.
Lol. So good.
Walking to class today there were these people holding huge signs saying things like, "NOW'S YOU'RE LAST CHANCE. SAVE YOURSELF FROM HELL. FOLLOW JESUS."
So, I'm thinking about making a sign that says, "GOD ISN'T REAL! SCIENCE R00LZ! LOLZ!"
So edgy.
Huge Superweekend update later.
So, I'm thinking about making a sign that says, "GOD ISN'T REAL! SCIENCE R00LZ! LOLZ!"
So edgy.
Huge Superweekend update later.
20 September 2008
The Beginning!
Day 1 of Super Weekend was a great success. Went to the Eagle Theater in Pontiac. Upon arriving all of my photo friends (Fags) went and started setting up for the pictures they would be taking of Damiera and Fear Before while I walked around with Irv. He showed me the cage match that was going to take place right next door and around the venue.
After that I went up to find all my friends. They were with Damiera. It's crazy because they had another lineup up change. So it was back to only knowing 2 dudes out of the band. Steve was super pissed during pictures. It was funny because usually he's a super nice dude. Anyways, Dave and I talked for a little while and he said that they're going to try to play the Tiger! Tiger! hometown return show. How awesome would that be. Pretty fucking awesome.
Damiera finished up with their pictures and the it was time for them to shoot Fear Before. Oh my science did those guys crack me up. The singer and the drummer were way into just being as weird as possible. I think the picture turned out really well. I'm hyped for my friends.
The locals on the show sucked. Downers was good though. Not great like I was hoping, but good. I am the Ocean made me want to punch someone. How are they a touring band. They were talking/acting like they were on one of their first local shows. IDK.
All my troubles disappeared when Damiera came on stage. I think this was the best that I have seen them yet. They downgraded in their equipment to smaller amps and I think that helped them with their sound. I think since they were quieter, the technicality of all their stuff shone through better. I was hyped.
Then Fear Before came on. I don't really know what I was expecting. I had only listened to them once really before the show. I wasn't all to sure what was coming except that they had a sweet light set up. It was probably the coolest I have ever seen. Anyways, they started playing and it was awesome. Just raw and powerful. They sounded huge and just had so much energy and presence. It was an awesome way to end the night.
Oh yeah, Chiodos showed up at the show. They came in a limo. So punk rock, lolz. Best part was when Craig Owens and his girl toy stepped in front of me. He realized it and apologized to me. That's right. Craig Owens apologized to me. Looked me in the damn eyes. Haha. I think deep down he's a nice dude. Still, his arrogance disgusts me.
To top it all off, while leaving the venue, Mike decides to put a Tiger! Tiger! sticker on the back of the limo that Chiodos came in. Champion.
After running back to the venue to save a gang beating, we made our way somehow to Denny's in Novi. Gotta love the build your own Grand Slam. It's always a great ending to a night; this night was no different! Once our delicious meals and orange sodas were eaten and drank (respectively), we made our way back to the Rice house. I don't remember much happening other than me saying weird shit as I was almost naked and half asleep on the floor.
Day 2 of Super Week has begun. Update tomorrow.
After that I went up to find all my friends. They were with Damiera. It's crazy because they had another lineup up change. So it was back to only knowing 2 dudes out of the band. Steve was super pissed during pictures. It was funny because usually he's a super nice dude. Anyways, Dave and I talked for a little while and he said that they're going to try to play the Tiger! Tiger! hometown return show. How awesome would that be. Pretty fucking awesome.
Damiera finished up with their pictures and the it was time for them to shoot Fear Before. Oh my science did those guys crack me up. The singer and the drummer were way into just being as weird as possible. I think the picture turned out really well. I'm hyped for my friends.
The locals on the show sucked. Downers was good though. Not great like I was hoping, but good. I am the Ocean made me want to punch someone. How are they a touring band. They were talking/acting like they were on one of their first local shows. IDK.
All my troubles disappeared when Damiera came on stage. I think this was the best that I have seen them yet. They downgraded in their equipment to smaller amps and I think that helped them with their sound. I think since they were quieter, the technicality of all their stuff shone through better. I was hyped.
Then Fear Before came on. I don't really know what I was expecting. I had only listened to them once really before the show. I wasn't all to sure what was coming except that they had a sweet light set up. It was probably the coolest I have ever seen. Anyways, they started playing and it was awesome. Just raw and powerful. They sounded huge and just had so much energy and presence. It was an awesome way to end the night.
Oh yeah, Chiodos showed up at the show. They came in a limo. So punk rock, lolz. Best part was when Craig Owens and his girl toy stepped in front of me. He realized it and apologized to me. That's right. Craig Owens apologized to me. Looked me in the damn eyes. Haha. I think deep down he's a nice dude. Still, his arrogance disgusts me.
To top it all off, while leaving the venue, Mike decides to put a Tiger! Tiger! sticker on the back of the limo that Chiodos came in. Champion.
After running back to the venue to save a gang beating, we made our way somehow to Denny's in Novi. Gotta love the build your own Grand Slam. It's always a great ending to a night; this night was no different! Once our delicious meals and orange sodas were eaten and drank (respectively), we made our way back to the Rice house. I don't remember much happening other than me saying weird shit as I was almost naked and half asleep on the floor.
Day 2 of Super Week has begun. Update tomorrow.
fear before,
Super week
19 September 2008
Super Week begins today.
Friday - Fear Before, Damiera
Saturday - The Swellers, We Are The Union, Take Notice
Sunday - Saints Never Surrender, Solidarity
Monday - Heroes Season Premiere
Tuesday - Brand New
Wednesday - Karaoke
Thursday - Office Season Premier
Friday - Fear Before, Damiera
Saturday - The Swellers, We Are The Union, Take Notice
Sunday - Saints Never Surrender, Solidarity
Monday - Heroes Season Premiere
Tuesday - Brand New
Wednesday - Karaoke
Thursday - Office Season Premier
18 September 2008
Don't judge me
I'm pretty sure I'm voting for Obama.
2 reasons.
1. I like his stance on education and seeing as to how I'm going into education, it kinda makes sense.
2. I don't want to see John McCain in office. I fear that day. I know either way it's not looking much better, but the GOP scares the shit out of me.
I do realize that their is a 99% chance that nothing good will come of Obama becoming president, but I think he's more willing to make changes. I hope that for once a president in my generation is not just a mere puppet of the oil companies and lobbyists. I can hope, can't I?
2 reasons.
1. I like his stance on education and seeing as to how I'm going into education, it kinda makes sense.
2. I don't want to see John McCain in office. I fear that day. I know either way it's not looking much better, but the GOP scares the shit out of me.
I do realize that their is a 99% chance that nothing good will come of Obama becoming president, but I think he's more willing to make changes. I hope that for once a president in my generation is not just a mere puppet of the oil companies and lobbyists. I can hope, can't I?
Suck it...
PETA is at my school with a petition to ban KFC off campus. Fuck all you haters, I'm pumped!
This dude gets me hyped.
17 September 2008
I can't go to NFG this weekend.
But...I just met a kid from one of the bands at the show I'm going to instead. They're fucking phenomenal.
Check them out: Take Notice
Also The Swellers and We Are The Union are playing. I'm psyched.
Check them out: Take Notice
Also The Swellers and We Are The Union are playing. I'm psyched.
Take Notice,
The Swellers,
We Are the Union
Are you serious?
I forever hate the man that wrote this line.
"Expecting music to change a generation is like expecting dogs to talk."
Music is such a powerful thing. It not only changes generations, it helps to shape them. It's ridiculous that someone, let alone someone who according to their website is a music veteran of 20 plus years said this. Fucking music critics.
He was responding to Geoff Rickley's (Thursday, United Nations) blog that he did the other day. Geoff's is truly inspiring. This guy was just taking cheep shots and seems like he didn't even read the article for what it was.
Read Geoff's here.
Read the other one here.
"Expecting music to change a generation is like expecting dogs to talk."
Music is such a powerful thing. It not only changes generations, it helps to shape them. It's ridiculous that someone, let alone someone who according to their website is a music veteran of 20 plus years said this. Fucking music critics.
He was responding to Geoff Rickley's (Thursday, United Nations) blog that he did the other day. Geoff's is truly inspiring. This guy was just taking cheep shots and seems like he didn't even read the article for what it was.
Read Geoff's here.
Read the other one here.
bull shit,
United Nations
Check this band out.
Gosh I can't get enough of that line. I can't get enough of this band. Why are they in our scene? I say that like I'm complaining, but really I'm not. Let me explain to you how I obtain music. Unless it's a band that I'm dying to here or that has proved themselves to me in the past, I won't buy their CD. There's just too much music nowadays to buy all that I want. I do try to support bands that I love by buying their merch and vinyl if I can, but for everyone else, I'll admit I just download it.
Well, this band blew me away so much that I actually bought their CD after a show. I was totally expecting just another mediocre, piano-drive emo band. Boy was I wrong. You would expect to see something like this in a Jazz Lounge, not Mac's Bar. I was speechless.
This band fuses Jazz like guitar with some pop-hooks. Boy am I hooked. It is astonishing. Definitely check it out if you get the chance.
Dear friends.
I am the trend setter.
You trendy motherfuckers. (Except you, Byron. We just happened to make them at exactly the same time without even realizing it.)
Haha. I kid, I kid.
You trendy motherfuckers. (Except you, Byron. We just happened to make them at exactly the same time without even realizing it.)
Haha. I kid, I kid.
16 September 2008
Are you there?
Breathe and I’ll carry you away into the velvet sky
And we’ll stir the stars around
And watch them fall away into the Hudson Bay
And plummet out of sight and sound
The open summer breeze will sweep you through the hills
Where I live in the alpine heights
Below the Northern Lights, I spend my coldest nights
Alone, awake and thinking of...the weekend we were in love
Home among these mountain tops can be so awfully dull
A thousand miles from the tide
But photos on the walls of New York shopping malls
Distract me so I stay inside
I wish the rockets stayed over the promenade
Cuz I would make a hook and eye
And fish them from the sky, my darling, she and I
We’re hanging on so take us high
To sing the world goodbye:
I am floating away
Lost in a silent ballet
I’m dreaming you’re out in the blue and I am right beside you
Awake to take in the view
Late nights and early parades
Still photos and noisy arcades
My darling, we’re both on the wing, look down and keep on singing!
And we can go anywhere
Are you there?
Are you there, or are you just a decoy dream in my head?
Am I home or am I simply tumbling all alone?
I've been super lonely lately. Not lonely in the sense of being alone, but more in the sense of being uncomfortably alone. I have always preferred the company of myself to the company of others. I guess I just miss having someone to talk to about anything. I mean I pretty much had someone nonstop for 4 years. Now everything just gets bottled in. I hate it.
I don't want a girlfriend by any means, but I just want someone there for me. It sucks. There are actually a couple people I really, really enjoy talking to that are new to my life. It's just weird.
And we’ll stir the stars around
And watch them fall away into the Hudson Bay
And plummet out of sight and sound
The open summer breeze will sweep you through the hills
Where I live in the alpine heights
Below the Northern Lights, I spend my coldest nights
Alone, awake and thinking of...the weekend we were in love
Home among these mountain tops can be so awfully dull
A thousand miles from the tide
But photos on the walls of New York shopping malls
Distract me so I stay inside
I wish the rockets stayed over the promenade
Cuz I would make a hook and eye
And fish them from the sky, my darling, she and I
We’re hanging on so take us high
To sing the world goodbye:
I am floating away
Lost in a silent ballet
I’m dreaming you’re out in the blue and I am right beside you
Awake to take in the view
Late nights and early parades
Still photos and noisy arcades
My darling, we’re both on the wing, look down and keep on singing!
And we can go anywhere
Are you there?
Are you there, or are you just a decoy dream in my head?
Am I home or am I simply tumbling all alone?
I've been super lonely lately. Not lonely in the sense of being alone, but more in the sense of being uncomfortably alone. I have always preferred the company of myself to the company of others. I guess I just miss having someone to talk to about anything. I mean I pretty much had someone nonstop for 4 years. Now everything just gets bottled in. I hate it.
I don't want a girlfriend by any means, but I just want someone there for me. It sucks. There are actually a couple people I really, really enjoy talking to that are new to my life. It's just weird.
I'm dying, I'M DEAD!
We have full band practice today. I say full in a sense that I hope our "drummer" joins officially. I'm more excited about the current state of Tiger! Tiger! than I ever have been before. Everything just feels right for once. I'm hoping and hoping that it works out. We're going to work on new songs tonight. Holy shit am I excited about these songs. They have a little bit of everything and I'm excited to play them for people. They definitely are a lot more involved than our old stuff.
Get pumped.
Get pumped.
15 September 2008
Oh my god I need a thrill
Cause I've got scars that will never mend
Broken bones that do not heal with time
Some things just can't be fixed
So listen I've got news for you
This is where I'm supposed to be in life
It is what I'm supposed to do"
We had to do a paper in my class about what we thought the difference between living and existing was. I used those song lyrics that I wrote to describe how I feel.
Last year was the worst year of my life. Almost everything bad that could happen, did happen. I feel like I hit an all time low. I needed a change, and I needed one fast. So what kind of change did I get. Well, I quit my band of 5 years, broke up with my girlfriend of almost 2 years, got fired from my job, almost failed all of my classes and gained about 20 pounds. I got really depressed because of all those things. I showered less frequently than I already did, I stopped eating, I just didn't go to class and slept all day. I was a leach; a parasite; throwing everything down the garbage.
Then I met her.
The girl that encompassed everything that I had dreamed of. I was so in love with everything about her. She was an angel in a sea of hags. For the first time in a while, I felt alive. The feelings that I had were quite new. It really was a rush to my head. Yes, that is who that Eyes of Death Song is about. I used to sing it to her for hours just smiling and staring deep into her eyes. Everything was perfect.
In the mean time, everything else in my life was picking up. I had a new band and was finally playing the music that I wanted to play. It was nice not having a job for a while. It gave me time to free my mind. I did end up starting to teach skating lessons again and all of my "students" always brightened my day. Unlike last year, I didn't have any students that I dreaded working with. I had lost weight and was becoming active again. It was a great feeling. I was finally healthy again.
Then she broke up with me. I was devastated. I remember trying so hard to hold back tears at Mac's bar when I found out. I hurried into the bathroom and just sat in the stall crying. Now, if you know Mac's bar, you know it's a piece of shit. Well, the door to the stall doesn't lock...So I was sitting in there crying and some guy comes busting in and yanks the door open. I think he was more shocked than I was. I ran outside as fast as I could so I didn't have to explain myself.
So, funny story aside, I was CRUSHED.
And yet somehow, I wasn't mad. She helped pull me out of the dark and I think because of that I never can be mad at her. Sure, I would still love to be dating her, but I guess it's just not meant to be.
Now all of that aside, I feel more alive than I have ever felt. I am enjoying life, and it's only going to get better. Come October, it's on. I am working so hard to take Tiger! Tiger! to the next level. I won't stop until I'm fulfilled.
Broken bones that do not heal with time
Some things just can't be fixed
So listen I've got news for you
This is where I'm supposed to be in life
It is what I'm supposed to do"
We had to do a paper in my class about what we thought the difference between living and existing was. I used those song lyrics that I wrote to describe how I feel.
Last year was the worst year of my life. Almost everything bad that could happen, did happen. I feel like I hit an all time low. I needed a change, and I needed one fast. So what kind of change did I get. Well, I quit my band of 5 years, broke up with my girlfriend of almost 2 years, got fired from my job, almost failed all of my classes and gained about 20 pounds. I got really depressed because of all those things. I showered less frequently than I already did, I stopped eating, I just didn't go to class and slept all day. I was a leach; a parasite; throwing everything down the garbage.
Then I met her.
The girl that encompassed everything that I had dreamed of. I was so in love with everything about her. She was an angel in a sea of hags. For the first time in a while, I felt alive. The feelings that I had were quite new. It really was a rush to my head. Yes, that is who that Eyes of Death Song is about. I used to sing it to her for hours just smiling and staring deep into her eyes. Everything was perfect.
In the mean time, everything else in my life was picking up. I had a new band and was finally playing the music that I wanted to play. It was nice not having a job for a while. It gave me time to free my mind. I did end up starting to teach skating lessons again and all of my "students" always brightened my day. Unlike last year, I didn't have any students that I dreaded working with. I had lost weight and was becoming active again. It was a great feeling. I was finally healthy again.
Then she broke up with me. I was devastated. I remember trying so hard to hold back tears at Mac's bar when I found out. I hurried into the bathroom and just sat in the stall crying. Now, if you know Mac's bar, you know it's a piece of shit. Well, the door to the stall doesn't lock...So I was sitting in there crying and some guy comes busting in and yanks the door open. I think he was more shocked than I was. I ran outside as fast as I could so I didn't have to explain myself.
So, funny story aside, I was CRUSHED.
And yet somehow, I wasn't mad. She helped pull me out of the dark and I think because of that I never can be mad at her. Sure, I would still love to be dating her, but I guess it's just not meant to be.
Now all of that aside, I feel more alive than I have ever felt. I am enjoying life, and it's only going to get better. Come October, it's on. I am working so hard to take Tiger! Tiger! to the next level. I won't stop until I'm fulfilled.
14 September 2008
Be Honest; Be HONEST
Liars and fakes need to die.
I need someone real.
I enjoy talking to you more than I'll ever admit.
I need someone real.
I enjoy talking to you more than I'll ever admit.
May I never lose my youth and if I do may I be forgettable
13 September 2008
South Park R00lz
Rain, Rain, Go Away
Weather like this sucks. There's no other way to put it. Waking up to the sun behind the clouds just sets the tone for a crappy day. Gosh, I could never live in Alaska where the sun doesn't even rise half the year. People probably think I hate the sun due to my pale and pasty complexion, but that is not the case at all. I'm very fond of sunny days. They fill me with joy, literally.
More and more everyday I feel like I grow apart from the norm. I know that I'm not a normal person by any means and nor do I strive to be one, but then again, what's normal? What so many people don't realize is that WE as humans get to decide what normal is. That's why when ever anyone says something I do is weird, I tell them that I could find 10 other people like me that thought it was weird that YOU are weird for not doing it. It's completely subjective. Yes, I am a minority in a lot of my opinions, beliefs, actions, but different does not equal weird.
Really, I just want to find someone like me. You would think there would be at least one other Straight Edge, Vegetarian, Musician, Nerd, etc., etc. that I could hang out with. And by no means am I saying that I don't like my friends, I love all of them dearly. They all have those traits, just not all of them. Maybe I'm just too picky?
Now, my next point. I hate when people say things like, "Oh, they're just being different to be different." That phrase crushes individuality so bad. IT'S OK TO BE DIFFERENT! I wish the majority of society could get that through their head. We're not robots that need to comply to everything society and pop culture tell us. If you like wearing your underwear on the outside of your pants, go for it. If you think all of the latest fashion trends are stupid, FUCK 'EM. I've seen too many people in my short life just give in to societies social norms. It's bullshit. Individuality is what really makes our lives so interesting.
Frankenstein is the man, and I hope my kid is just like him.
12 September 2008
I realized how blunt and boring my last post was. I apologize. The internet was not working for me in my first class until about 5 minutes left in class. I wanted to get that posted so I had to rush and couldn't take my time to give Matt Pryor the love he needs.
I woke up today and was confused as shit. I walk out of my room and the light and TV are on and Brian and Ron are wide awake, giggling like giddy school girls. They were so slap happy it was ridiculous. I'm assuming they have crashed since I went to class. I get out in 10 minutes. I guess we'll see.
I'm excited for today. I really don't know why, but I have good feelings.
You're a few days overdue...
Kevin Devine was super good as well. I bought his 7". Haven't had time to listen to it yet, but hopefully I will when I get out of class today.
Working the Valencia show tonight. Photoshoot tomorrow. Hopefully band practice sometime this weekend.
Hot Dog!
11 September 2008
This is why I could never be famous
People need to stay out of other people's business and shit like this won't happen.
Read about Kanye West!!!
kanye west,
smashed camera
My home away from home.
First is Ben Kweller; The man, the myth, the legend. The reason he's so great in my eyes is mainly because he bridged the gap between the energy of punk rock with the songwriting abilities of straight up rock musicians. I think if it wasn't for him I wouldn't like half of the stuff I do today.
Second is Dan Hunter (Playradioplay!). I know that I've heard so many people dismiss his music because of the genre. On the outside, yes, it does appear to be just mediocre synth pop. The thing is, if you dive in and really listen, he is leaps and bounds ahead of anyone else in his genre. On top of that, his blogs are some of the most inspiring things I have read. To be in his position and actually using it to talk about things he believes in (no, not religion), is awesome.
I guess I'm a little jealous of the both of them, too. I mean, they both had early fame. I'm hoping I can be the next Texan to reach national spotlight.
10 September 2008
Why I love this kid...
My friend Nalin just told me this:
"What is gonna fuck Barack over is his inability to produce a male heir. John McCain is just a fucking stud."
John McCain,
male heir,
Living La Vida Loca
Coming to a city near you!!!
Tiger! Tiger! is playing out a bunch this fall. Hope to see some of you there.
10/16 - Mac's Bar w/ Forgive Durden
Lansing, Michigan
10/17 - Club 2nd Floor
Farmington, Michigan
10/18 - CC's Cyber Cafe (Marlette)
Marlette, Michigan
10/24 - CC's Cyber Cafe (Oxford)
Oxford, Michigan
10/25 - Kozy Koffee
Highland, Michigan
10/31 - Bean Counters
Highland, Indiana
11/1 - Dino's Rock Room
Kalamazoo, Michigan
11/7 - Hartland Performing Arts Center/ HOMETOWN RETURN SHOW!
Howell, MI
11/8 - Fenton Community Center
Fenton, MI
11/22 - Refuel
Newark, OH
Many more should be coming in. It's gonna be one hell of a fall for us. Plus most likely a winter tour!!! Get excited. More information at the myspace:
rock and roll,
Tiger Tiger,
Apparently I'm forgettable?
Yesterday was the best day I've had in a long time. So much good stuff happened. It's amazing how one minuscule event can change everything.
EDIT: I'm keeping this, but I didn't mean those words. I was just really mad. I don't hate you.
I don't even know what word to use to describe the feeling I have. I just can't believe it's true. Tell me this, Do you cry in his arms about me like you did for Sam? Fuck you. I did everything for you. I don't ever want to see you again.
Now some girl with the most stupid fucking tattoos (Dragons and tribal bands) just sat down next to me. I want to fucking punch someone so bad.
Fuck You.
I hate you right now.
EDIT: I'm keeping this, but I didn't mean those words. I was just really mad. I don't hate you.
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