Please stop smoking. I'm not saying this because I think I'm better than you, I'm saying it because I care about you. Only we have the power to control our lives. Live posi, die happy. I know it's hard to see the big picture, but think about your future. You're hurting yourself and I don't want to sit back idly and watch.
You probably know this, but these are all found in cigarettes:
Ammonia: Household cleaner
Angelica root extract: Known to cause cancer in animals
Arsenic: Used in rat poisons
Benzene: Used in making dyes, synthetic rubber
Butane: Gas; used in lighter fluid
Carbon monoxide: Poisonous gas
Cadmium: Used in batteries
Cyanide: Deadly poison
DDT: A banned insecticide
Ethyl Furoate: Causes liver damage in animals
Lead: Poisonous in high doses
Formaldehiyde: Used to preserve dead specimens
Methoprene: Insecticide
Megastigmatrienone: Chemical naturally found in grapefruit juice
Maltitol: Sweetener for diabetics
Napthalene: Ingredient in mothballs
Methyl isocyanate: Its accidental release killed 2000 people in Bhopal, India in 1984
Polonium: Cancer-causing radioactive element
1 comment:
Cigarettes are the only product whose sales pitch is "HEY! give us thousands of dollars a year to become hopelessly addicted... oh yeah and we'll gradually kill you along the way." to resist... gah!
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